What is the perfect program to follow to achieve your desired goals? How do you know if the Personal Training service you are receiving is the best one for you? Well, maybe there isn't a perfect program on paper. Maybe the perfect program is up to you?
Firstly, welcome to the STRENGTHWIRED blog. I hope to cover multiple topics throughout this blog. The bulk of this writing will be dedicated to education and knowledge regarding training, nutrition and everything in between. But a good part of this will be also be a blank canvas for me to paint my own thoughts, feelings and curiosities around different topics. This is a place that I can dive into more depth about topics that interest me, and personally, I believe have a profound effect on getting the most out of your training and more imp
ortantly, life. So if you'd like to come for the ride, then I would suggest putting on the space suit rather than the cowboy hat and chaps. This might get a little out of this world.
The perfect program doesn't exi...
What really separates a good coach from a great one? What is it that separates clients and individuals from getting amazing results, while others seem to just fall short or get 'mediocre' results from their training?
Surely it has to do with finding/following the perfect program right? Not necessarily.
The term 'perfect program' has had an incredible run in the industry with its selling capabilities, as well as the amount of smoke it blows up the typical Personal Trainers overvalued butthole that uses this term. The reality is, there isn't a perfect program (In my opinion, because if I don't say my opinion, people will get their feelings hurt). One of the biggest factors to consider when writing a program for an individual, is individual variability. The term individual represents the title for itself. Everyone is different, meaning most people have/need different demands. If there was a template for everyone to run their training perfectly, then there would be a template for everyone to live life perfectly. Does that exist?
Debunking the word 'perfect' itself, a term that is fading more and more in todays vocabulary based off the negative and unrealistic expectations it creates for individuals and trying to find what 'perfect' actually looks like.
What makes a good program then?
There are many things that make a good program. When these things are used practically, consistently and in the correct way, they create incredible progress. They create a great program.
It isn't so much about finding the 'perfect program', but finding what is the best for YOU.
How could something be perfect for you if it is something you can't stick to consistently?
How could something be perfect for you if you can't perform half of the movements on a program?
How could something be perfect for you if you don't even have access to the equipment that is written on the program?
A great program doesn't just come down to the trainer. A great program comes down to the client. There are certain principles that a good trainer should follow when writing a program, but ultimately these principles are applied using a method that works 'best' for the client.
If you have individuals or other trainers telling you that their program is the better to follow or got them results, then thats great. For them. That doesn't mean that their method and their way of training may necessarily be the best for you.
Someone might say that nuts are the best snack to eat in between meals and keeps them feeling full and energised for the day, so everyone should have them. Well guess what, I'm allergic to nuts. Like anaphylactic allergic. So do you think I'll be snacking on nuts because someone else said it was great? Fuck that.
The point here is, good trainers understand that the perfect program doesn't exist, and what is perfect (even though it doesn't exist) is what is right for the client. Their individual needs, wants, abilities, doubts, accessibility etc. It is much harder to market 'the perfect program' when that program changes drastically from person to person. Hard to market. Hard to sell. Hard to get it saturated into the industry. This is where the problem is!
“A good trainer understands principles. A sound trainer understands methods. There are a thousand methods. There is few principles.”
How do I know if the program i'm on is right for me?
Well to begin with, you should be able to complete it consistently. If you can't consistently hit your days at the gym, if you don't have access to the equipment, or you are prescribed movements you have no idea how to perform, then I would suggest the program you're on isn't the best for you.
The best program you can do is one you can consistently stick to.
A trainer should discuss and go through these things with you to ensure the service you receive is directly in line with the goals you want to achieve. An easy checklist when being on a program to see if it is a well written program from a trainer is:
Periodised Training - Does the program have structure and consistency with movements? Or is it weekly, sporadic and different every time you step into the gym?
Progressive overload - In order to improve, you need to be slowly doing more overtime. Are the reps increasing week to week? Is the weight increasing? Is the sets? Ensuring you're doing more over time means you're progressing with your training.
Individual Variability - Was your program actually designed around you? Or was it a template that was forced upon you. Make sure the training/goals/likes and dislikes align directly with the program you have
Accessibility - Make sure you have access to the equipment you need on your program. Imagine trying to bake a cake and been given a recipe without any access to the fucking ingredients. That sounds insane.
Principles Over Methods - Progressive overload is a principle. How you reach that is the method. A good trainer understands principles. A sound one understands methods. Don't buy into the methods a trainer is using. Buy into the knowledge on the principles behind real and consistent progress. There are thousands of methods. There is few principles.
Enjoyment - There will always be hard days in the gym, but for the majority your training should be enjoyable. If the style of training you're doing makes you want to rip your eyes out, then its not for you.
If you can confidently tick off these when looking through your program, then I would be happy to say that you're on a good program. If you can't tick these off, it may be time to question the training/program you're following. Either way, its your progress at the end of the day.
Final Words
Most of the time, clients look up to their trainers and expect them to have the answers for them. The truth is, trainers should be their clients biggest fans. The clients are the ones that have the answers for 'us'. We simply have the tools and the algorithms in the form of exercise knowledge to jot those answers/information into a system that creates a method. That method follows principles. Those principles get results. A good trainer recognises this. A trainer that doesn't is probably too busy with their butt-cheeks spread getting that good hit of smoke inhalation (This just means boosting their ego, but butt-smoke inhalation is a funnier analogy for me) blown up there.
If you want a good program. If you want results. Then go to someone who listens to YOU. Not someone who makes you listen to them. There is a big difference.