Don't let distance stop you from reaching your goal.
Let's go remote.
The online platform offers all the services you would receive in person. If you want access to the premium services a Personal Trainer offers -
Then this is it.
- Customised program tailored specifically to you and your goals. Forget the copy and paste workouts.
- Instructional videos for each exercise - Never worry if you're doing something right or wrong in the gym again.
- Easy to track progress showing exercise history, sets, reps and weight for each exercise, every week.
- Weekly compliance showing consistency and progress over your sessions.
- Direct and instant message portal straight to your coach. Forget the multiple messages on different social media platforms.
- Access to Ebooks, documents and tips & tricks that the public eye don't see.
The Check In Process.
Just because you're online, doesn't mean you have to feel like your coach isn't there with you every step of the way.
- Get access to weekly in-depth video check-ins breaking down all programming and nutrition results.
- Make adjustments to exercises, macros and calories and program tweaks at anytime - If something isn't working, don't keep doing it!
- Mental check-in to track how you are progressing mentally as well as physically - It's not always just about the weight in the gym.
- Technique and movement analysis/breakdown - Film your workouts and let your coach break it down as if you were in a face-to-face PT session.
The Nutrition.
- Full customised calorie and macronutrient breakdown - Stop guessing what calorie & macros you need to hit and start tracking.
- Full MyFitnessPal app integration with True coach App - Have all your information in the one place.
- Bodyweight composition metrics to track changes & progress week to week.
- Access to 50+ page calorie Ebook teaching the fundamentals of calorie counting and tracking.
- In-depth customised Ebook teaching you how to set up MyFitnessPal correctly and how to get the most out of it.
- Access to private Community group with recipes, meal ideas and nutritional tips & tricks.